Thursday, June 25, 2009

When It's Too Quiet...

In a house with a 3 year old boy, too quiet is never really a good thing.

Please note the lipgloss handprints on the wall.  Then there is the pile of hangers on the rug... Those used to be weighting down my handspun single that was drying on the window blinds.

The scissors were shoved under the rug.

Mommy cried.


On a lighter note...  the other half of this lovely Falkland roving, hand dyed by Lisa at PoppyFlowerFibers, was drying on the rack in the kitchen.  This was too public of a setting for mass carnage I suppose.  So it is safe and squishy and in my etsy shop.  : )

Raise Your Hand Curvy Coiled Art Yarn  21 yards
Raise Your Hand Supercoil Art Yarn Handspun

Here is one that is in my "Veggie Twist" line of Vegan yarns. Bamboo is SO slippery but so shiny and entrancing to spin. I love the amazing gloss of this single. My grandmother Mimi said it reminded her of pulled taffy like she used to make with her Girl Scout troupe. : )

Pulled Taffy 100% Bamboo Vegan Handspun 168 yards (here)
Pulled Taffy 100% Bamboo Vegan Handspun

Had to show this art yarn that I call a "Loaded Single". Another of PoppyFlowerFibers rovings, this time a so soft squishy merino. I spun into the single: pink eyelash, purple fuzzy novelty, super soft white banana fibers, bright pink recycled sari silk, and lots of sparkle.  
Fun! And REALLY purple! LoL. : )

Plum Joyful Loaded Single 60 yards (here)
Plum Joyful Loaded Single Handspun Art Yarn

More updates in the shop ... now I have to work on a new way to use the remains of the yarn slashing from the Quiet Boy. : )


  1. i love that pulled taffy. gorgeous! GORGEOUS!

    i know all about the quiet 3yos. boy, do i! i would've cried too! :(

  2. oh noooooo! Your poor yarn! I am very well acquainted with those surprises after quiet time. I hope you had some chocolate handy after that!
