Does music make your life a better place?
In my little world - ABSOLUTELY!
I love to sit and spin or do fiber prep (or blog!) while listening to music. With a wide variety of styles of music that move me ... each take their turn as "flavor of the day".
Songs can also be mood altering ... I have a few go-to pieces that will make me smile - guaranteed. Ingrid Michaelson's "Be Ok" does it every time. : ) And I so like to smile!
Rock seems to be a theme this week at our new house.
Our backyard had tons of rocks scattered everywhere. Hubby has been working very hard to scoop them up and give them a new home on the side yard ...
(shhh... don't tell him it's been in the high 90's for a week now!)
Our 9 yr old son has also decided that he likes Rock music! He only has access to his Daddy's classic rock favorites but he's crazy about Bon Jovi! Too funny to hear him singing some of the songs that were popular when I was his age.
And finally, a Rocker Chick has been created in my living room - no, not me - that's not quite my style. : )
Here's - Rocker Chick Handspun Art Yarn (Sold!)
I spun this slightly bad-girl from a hand-pulled (fully loaded) "Lush Roving", made by my awesome friend and cohort in all sorts of things, Sara from LushMommy.etsy. She is amazing me daily with her new fibery treasures and we have a blast creating together! We also share in the adventures and challenges of being Mommies to almost 4 yr old boy-wonders. : )
Fortunately her lil dude hasn't become a yarn slayer yet!
And can I just say how excited I am that Witch's Brew already sold? Yippiee! I'm so jazzed about the shows coming up ... I think I'll move on over to my Country Spinner and spin up another art yarn! -- with music on of course. : )
- Happy Crafting!