I have a bike. I love it. But I don't ride it... often.
I've watched very little of the Tour de France coverage since it began on July 4th... but I am spinning my wheel(s) along with those amazingly dedicated riders.
Enter - Ravelry's Tour de Fleece! I have joined Tour de Fish with the lovely and talented Laila (of RawFish) as our brave nautical Captain of the Wooly Seas. We have a blast: spinning and sharing pictures of our yarnie-ness and encouraging each other with a lot of "arghs" & "may-tees". Miss Laila used her photoshop magic on my picture to create a bright and fun-tastic new Ravatar for our nautical tour on Ravelry. My nickname for our pirate adventure is Curvy Scurvy... makes me smile!

The fruit to ward off the scurvy, the most colorful and talented spindling snake I've ever encountered, and ocean waves to hide my double chin! LoL. Love it.
So what have I been spinning? Well, since Tour de Fleece is all about spinning, I have been busy!
Day One:
BFL single (nameless at the moment) needs to be washed to set the twist.
And "Rainbow Sherbet Curvy Coiled Art Yarn" that I spun out of cheerful scrappy leftovers.
Day Two:
Spindle spun merino Yum!
And a Knotty Coiled (not yet named)
I'm saving day 3 for it's own post... it was that fun of a spin - and, might I add, rather out of character for me? LoL... You'll see. : )
Now off to wash and set all those yarns and get them listed in the shop! Happy July to all and hope you spent your Independence Day celebrating!